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Solid week of practice leads to impressive showing for Faith Academy football

CAPTION: The Faith Academy defense was motivated to show improvement against San Antonio FEAST. Photo by Stennis Shotts

The Faith Academy football team may have hosted San Antonio FEAST for an unexpected scrimmage Sept. 16, but the Flames didn’t hold back in capturing a 60-12 win in a contest that ended after two quarters.

Without officials, neither team could count the match-up on their seaon records. Still, Flames head coach Stephen Shipley noted his players got what they needed.

“It was definitely a nice game to eliminate turnovers and play a more sound defensive game,” he said. “That was our goal — to get better — whether the game counted toward our record or not.”

Shipley said he was especially eager to see the Flames show what they had been practicing following last week’s loss to Smoking for Jesus Ministry Christian School: ball security and a defensive zone. Needless to say, Shipley was beyond pleased.

“Our goal was to have a good clean game without penalties, turnovers and missed assignments,” he said.

FEAST scored its only touchdown “on a bad kick that went to them. It was a perfect bounce to the player who caught it and ran it in,” Shipley said.

Still, the night belonged to Faith.

Junior Cross Sanchez showed no effects from being sick earlier in the week. Though he was used sparingly, he took advantage of his opportunities.

“He ran the ball well and protected the ball,” the coach said.

Sophomore Carter Fromberg showed his arm strength and touch in the passing game.

“He threw some deep lasses to (junior) Kade Shaw,” Shipley said. “He threw on the money. I was happy. Last week we struggled to throw the ball and it’s a big part of our offense. We didn’t throw it a lot. It was a good clean game.”

The other Karter, sophomore Van Gundy, logged significant minutes and made the most of his opportunities, the coach said.

“I don’t think he came off the field,” he said.

Junior Jordan Tarver and senior Elijah Blackington protected the backfield that allowed the offense to florish while running or passing the ball.

“We scored on every drive,” the coach said. “I don’t know that we went to a fourth down.”

Defensively, the Flames in stalled a zone defense that allows the Flames’ natural ability to shine.

“We’re able to throw that in and mix it up,” Shipley said. “It helps. Kade Shaw is good at getting to the backfield and creating havoc.”

Overall, Shipley couldn’t commend his players enough for their approach to this match-up.

“We had kids who were banged up last week,” he said. “We came out with more intensity and more focus. Our focus was much more and our intensity was much better.”

Faith travels to face Austin Veritas Friday, Sept. 23, at 7:30 p.m.

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